Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We did not cut down our asparagus ferns when they got yellow,will we still get a crop of them?

This is our second year for having asparagus, what time of the year will we see new sprouts coming up ? I just read on Arcamax gardening that they need to be cut down in the fall.

We did not cut down our asparagus ferns when they got yellow,will we still get a crop of them?
You made a great mistake. The first year the fronds shouldn't be cut down.

I'm in zone 5, and mine isn't up yet. It should start next month.

Remember to only pick 1/3 of the crop this year, 2/3 next, and the following year pig out. I always leave a few fronds for the plant each year.

How do I "cheer up" my Asparagus Fern?

I was teasing my guy one day and bought an Asparagus Fern as our "love fern" from "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days" and we have had it for about 8 months maybe and even though our love isn't dieing the fern seems to think otherwise. It was doing really great, out grew its pot fast so I repotted it and now it isn't growing but it is still alive (barely.) It is so brown that I have a "Charley Brown Christmas Tree" looking thing not my beautiful fern. What can I do to get it back?

How do I "cheer up" my Asparagus Fern?
Maybe you water it too much or it doesn't get enough sunlight. I have asparagus ferns in my yard that grow like weeds, despite my attempts to get rid of them. They are in full sun on a southwest-facing slope. They are planted with a lot of xeriscape-type plants (succulents, palms, etc.) and don't get much water. But, they're thriving under those conditions.

If you do try giving it more sun or putting it outside for a while, acclimate it to the increased sunlight gradually. Plants that haven't been in direct sunlight - even plants that are supposed to get lots of direct sunlight - can easily get sunburned until they're used to the sunlight.

If you do sunburn a plant, the chlorophyll in the leaves with burn up, leaving the leaves a whitish color until they finally turn brown and fall off. But, a sunburned plant will usually come back to life by putting it in a shadier area for a while.
Reply:Try to give it a little bit of fertilizer such as Miracle Grow or Peter's plant food.. and try some different soil. Make sure the environment is correct for the plant. Too much or too little sunlight can have a strong effect on it. Put some nice music on and maybe a windchime nearby. You really do need to give the plant a pep talk, they do respond to love.
Reply:I find ferns quite fragile, I think it might be too late. Check the roots aren't in water. Try a feed and maybe consider repotting it.
Reply:Asparagus ferns are very metro. They love Broadway musicals and French impressionistic art. That's way most testosterone laded guys don't care for the plants.
Reply:Humidity is the key. Try hanging it in your bath room and run hot water in the shower to create a humid mist. Then get it outside as soon as the weather permits. They do not do well in dry conditions. Mine live in the bathroom during the winter months.

Good Luck

Beauty Home

Will asparagus ferns surive the winter in Oklahoma if stored in the garage out of the weather?

I had the asparagus ferns outside last summer and fall. Before the frost I moved them inside the garage. They have mostly turned brown and the "leaves" are falling off. I haven't cut them back to the stem, is that what I should do?

Will asparagus ferns surive the winter in Oklahoma if stored in the garage out of the weather?
They are hardy to 14 degrees. If it got colder than that, sorry.
Reply:cut it back an check if the little bulbs in the dirt are still plump or all dried up , then start with a little water to start regrowth a repotting would help alos I ve over wintered then in my basnent with good luck just dont let them dry out or there dead 6 in an th etrim job should be sufficent

First year of growing asparagus..I have the fern like stalks sticking up when do I cut them down to the ground

What do I need to do to the asparagus bed to prepare it for cold weather?

First year of growing asparagus..I have the fern like stalks sticking up when do I cut them down to the ground
You cut them down when they turn pale yellow colour, and then you should cover the bed in a thick layer of well rotted manure, to be raked off in the spring but most of it will have been taken down by worms.
Reply:I'm in the same boat; planted this Spring. Researching the internet, various state ag departments advise leaving the ferns alone until Spring. At that time, you can trim the ferns before the stalks come up. That's also when they advise to fertilize. They also advise when/how harvest...some light cuttings the 2nd year are felt to be helpful.

I planted tomatoes between my asparagus rows and the tomatoes had huge yields (stalks were like tree trunks)! No pest problems with either vegs.

What is the symbiotic relationship of the asparagus fern: plant and bacterium?

if one of them benefits and the other is not benefitted nor harmed...its commensalism

if both is benefittrd...its commensalism

if one is benefitted and the other is harmed...its parasitism

My Asparagus Fern is turning yellow,any suggestions, QUICK!?

Asparagus ferns don't tolerate dry soil or low light very well. Once some of the needles or stems yellow, they stay yellow even after you have corrected the problem.

Water your Asparagus fern as soon as the surface of the soil feels very dry. That will probably prevent any further yellowing. Remove all needles and stems that are already yellow.

Your fern should be right in front of a sunny window. It does not need sun shining directly on it all day, but a few hours of direct sun are important.

Fertilizer will not help and fertilizer sticks can actually damage roots as they concentrate the minerals in hot spots where they are inserted.

My Asparagus Fern is turning yellow,any suggestions, QUICK!?
Agreed, first thought is overwatering, but also underwatering and spider mites. Could it have sunburned?

Try repotting and sniffing the soil when it's out of the pot, stinky soil indicates drowned and dead roots.

If spider mites, you might see tiny webbing within the foliage, but more likely the plant will feel "gritty." Taking the plant to the sink or shower daily and giving the foliage a good bath will help break spider mite life cycle.
Reply:sounds like too much water
Reply:No offense at all, but here in Florida, I yank them out of the ground. They are weeds and hurt when they insist themselves into skin.

They also consume other plant life they seem to attach to.

Potted,,for whatever reason you choose to keep one, I suggest this.

Too much or too little, water. Sunlight, nourishment. root bound.

Rev. Steven


Asparagus Fern can this plant live in full sun at 110 degrees in southern Calif?

It lives in ever more extreme conditions in Arizona..Phoenix and Mesa as well as Tucson have it planted in landscapes. It gets well over 110 degrees there. It does fine.

Asparagus Fern can this plant live in full sun at 110 degrees in southern Calif?
here in sunny Queensland Asparagus Fern is a weed, grows in full sun at temperatures well in excess of 110 F: our summer full exposed temperature can reach over 50 C (that's 122 F to you) and thrives, can't kill the rotten stuff

How do I care for my Asparagus meyeri fern ( foxtail)?

This is a nice plant that will give you years of pleasure. It's easy to care for. They don't require much care. Read about it here




How do I care for my Asparagus meyeri fern ( foxtail)?
needs a lot of bright light..water when almost dry...dont keep it soggy wet

Can I cut trails off of my asparagus fern and replant them?

There's a really interesting discussion about asparagus ferns on this site:


In the comment by Breezymeadow (it's quite far down on the page) there are directions for replanting the fern--it sounds incredibly hardy and easy to handle. I would say that cutting the trails off of the fern will be no problem.

Good luck.

Is an Asparagus Fern impossible to kill or have I grown a green thumb?

The only time I ever saw a dead one was when it was allowed to dry up for a very long time. We moved to Tennessee from Florida 24 years ago, and my mom brought "Elizabeth" with her. That plant is alive and well and monstrous in size. She has also had many children that my mom started from cuttings. From what I can tell, no green thumb needed, just an occasional drink.

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ASPARAGUS FERN? My asparagus fern developed one berry sized green ball on it that has since turned red.?

Its pea-sized but theres only one. Is this a seed?

ASPARAGUS FERN? My asparagus fern developed one berry sized green ball on it that has since turned red.?
Yup. You've been a Constant Gardener; Your A. Fern has "turned 18" ! Congratulations! You can expect many more flowers AND little berries- in the Summer to come. :)
Reply:Yes. At least if the asparagus fern behaves like real asparagus. The female asparagus plants put out green berries that turn red and contain the seeds for asparagus plants. I recommend that you cut this berry off because if you don"t the plant puts all its energy into seeding and will begin to die off.
Reply:What a good momma, your asparagus fern is happy....Lets you know though that its not a true fern. Ferns reproduce by spores, what you have is a seed pod.

My asparagus fern is growing very slow. How often can I fertilize it and with what?

* * Hello. I'm a Certified Master Gardener. * *

Keep your AF in indirect light, in an area sheltered from wind.

Water it well twice a week.

Use a good, all-purpose fertilizer such as OSMOCOTE on your fern. Follow package instructions.

Green thumbs up to you!


My asparagus fern is growing very slow. How often can I fertilize it and with what?
Ferns can take a few years to get established.

If plant is not in organic material and kept moist, results will be very poor.

No need to fert heavy now, too late in the season.

Use fish emulsion at 1/2 rate.

Keep at least 2 inches of mulch around plant.

Go drink a beer and relax.

What can I do to turn the leaves of asparagus fern from yellow ( lacks of water) to green as soon as possible?

It's very urgent and please help me out.

Thanks a lot!

What can I do to turn the leaves of asparagus fern from yellow ( lacks of water) to green as soon as possible?
Buy some Ironite - it will green it up without burning it. It comes in liquid or granular.

Sounds like a babysitting job gone awry! Good Luck!
Reply:Maybe try and give your plant some new soil with iron. A lot of plants turn yellow because of lack of iron. If you need it green by tomorrow, my best idea is to dig up your plant (roots too, we don't want it to die) and DYE (color) it in green food coloring and water. You would do this by putting the roots in the water for a little while, but not for an extended period of time because they might get too much water. Not sure if this will work, but that's how they dye flowers in flower shops. Your plant may be a little traumatized afterwards, so make sure you put it in good soil. Good Luck

I planted an asparagus fern that a friend dug up for me, should it be in full sun?

or should I put it in partial shade. It is in a clay pot with fresh potting soil and the roots were very well established. I was thinking maybe of putting it under my backyard tree.

I planted an asparagus fern that a friend dug up for me, should it be in full sun?
I have three aspargus ferns in pots they get shade in the morning until about 12 and then direct sun until the sun starts setting about 7 they love it they are outside already here in Montana and they will stay out there until october then I take them in the house for the winter and water just like all of my other house plants and they have bloomed the last two years-the blooms turn into berries that turn bright red around christmas. They will be a great addition to your outside flowers.
Reply:They need a lot of light, so I don't think it would do well under a tree. Additionally, depending on the type of tree, the fern may have to compete for moisture. (Some trees, like maples, are difficult to grow anything underneath. Others, like Oaks, have deeper roots and provide a less hostile environment). Asparagus ferns prefer to dry out between waterings, so perhaps moisture wont be a factor. Still, I don't think it will do well in the shade.
Reply:It will do best in part sun part shade area. It will look lush and green if you fertilize with Miracle-Grow for acidified soil loving plants. Will make a nice border for your tree. Ferns love water.
Reply:Just make sure it has some sun and keep it from drying out.
Reply:it needs to be kept moist and preferably to the north, like moss


What can I do to save a 100 year old asparagus fern from freezing.?

My asparagus fern is huge and I can't bring it in the house. When it gets cold in Texas it usually doesn't last more than a day or two. Usually a quilt over it for the coldest time is enough but it's going to be below freezing for 5-6 days. My great grand mother had this firn when she was a young woman. I just can't let it die!!!

What can I do to save a 100 year old asparagus fern from freezing.?
cover it up with a plastic bag or something .. as long as the frost dont get on it... it wont die
Reply:Mulch,mulch. mulch

(pinestraw is light )even if it is around the pot. how about covering with large box if snow and then cover with quilt or sheets . Also, a low voltage landscape light in the covered area left on all night. Keep out of wind for sure!
Reply:My mom puts plastic bags over her roses on freezing days (Alaska) try that if not sorry!

How to bring an asparagus fern back from the dead?

I have an asparagus fern that is in a large pot outside and was killed by an unexpected frost about a month ago. I just left it out there dead and brown since, but I have now noticed that there are some new green sprigs.

It's in potting soil with nutrients and has been getting adequate water. I have excised all the dead parts of the plant above ground level and left it with just the tiny little live portion. Is there anything I can do to revive it other than just wait and see?

How to bring an asparagus fern back from the dead?
They are extremely hardy. Usually I just cut the whole thing down to about a 2" stub and then cover with a fine mulch and let it come back on it's own. In your case would probably just add a little more of your potting soil around the live growth.
Reply:not sure what area or zone you live in but in alabama this does happen after a freeze...you are correct if no more freezing is coming to prune off all of the deadness. water and wait and it almost always returns hearty and beautiful as ever...good luck

Asparagus fern?

How much sun does an asparagus fern need and which direction do they like to face?

Asparagus fern?

Medium, prefers high. Does well near an east, west, or south window, filtered light, or location receiving 1000 footcandles or more.


Normal to frequent. Water thoroughly, keep soil moist. Can let soil dry to the touch to a soil depth of 1/2".
Reply:They like to be in a bright area but don't like very much direct sunlight. If the fronds start to shrivel or turn brown it's probably getting too much sun. The direction doesn't matter as long as it's bright.
Reply:Just a little warning.....those things grow like weeds! If you put it in the ground, you will never get rid of it. Good luck.