Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I planted an asparagus fern that a friend dug up for me, should it be in full sun?

or should I put it in partial shade. It is in a clay pot with fresh potting soil and the roots were very well established. I was thinking maybe of putting it under my backyard tree.

I planted an asparagus fern that a friend dug up for me, should it be in full sun?
I have three aspargus ferns in pots they get shade in the morning until about 12 and then direct sun until the sun starts setting about 7 they love it they are outside already here in Montana and they will stay out there until october then I take them in the house for the winter and water just like all of my other house plants and they have bloomed the last two years-the blooms turn into berries that turn bright red around christmas. They will be a great addition to your outside flowers.
Reply:They need a lot of light, so I don't think it would do well under a tree. Additionally, depending on the type of tree, the fern may have to compete for moisture. (Some trees, like maples, are difficult to grow anything underneath. Others, like Oaks, have deeper roots and provide a less hostile environment). Asparagus ferns prefer to dry out between waterings, so perhaps moisture wont be a factor. Still, I don't think it will do well in the shade.
Reply:It will do best in part sun part shade area. It will look lush and green if you fertilize with Miracle-Grow for acidified soil loving plants. Will make a nice border for your tree. Ferns love water.
Reply:Just make sure it has some sun and keep it from drying out.
Reply:it needs to be kept moist and preferably to the north, like moss


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